Filing requirements


Written by Ray Coman


It is the responsibility of company directors to file the required documents online with Companies House. These documents include updates to company information, the annual return and annual accounts.

Eventually, if a company fails to file its documents as required, Companies House may believe that the company is not operational and therefore strike the company off. Once struck off, its assets, such as the company bank account and any of its property, become the ownership of the Crown.

Companies House also have the power to prosecute the directors for not filing documents. Failure to deliver a document is an offence which could result in penalties of up to £5,000. These penalties are in addition to the late filing penalties for accounts.

The registrar should be updated with changes to the company including:


  • Details of shareholders, directors and secretaries
  • The issue of shares and alteration of share capital
  • The registered office
  • Charges held over company property


  • Annual return

The directors are required to summarise company information including shareholders, directors, shares and registered office and deliver this information to the registrar once a year on the annual return. The annual return date is on the anniversary of incorporation and the return is due within 28 days of the return date. Although there is no penalty for late submission, if the filing requirements are not met the company, the company may be struck off as explained above.

  • Change of name

It is possible to change the name at any time provided it does not include sensitive words, or is not deemed to be the same as an existing company, by Companies House. More detailed guidance on company names is included in our guide on forming a company.


  • Registered office

Every company must have a registered office, which is where Companies House and HMRC correspondence is sent. Directors must indicate to Companies House their service address and residential address. The residential address is not shown on public record, and therefore a service address may be the same as the registered office. This is commonly the address of the accountant.

  • Business stationery

Business letters and websites should include the company's name, the part of the UK in which it is registered, e.g. England and the registered number. The directors' names do not need to be shown on business stationery, although if at least one name is included then all directors must be displayed.

  • Company secretary

A private company is no longer required to have a company secretary. However, the officer may be entitled to receive a salary or non-taxable benefits and it may be in the interest of the company to retain this office.

Our service

Using Coman & Co.:


  • We offer a registered office facility for Companies House correspondence and reminders to be sent directly to us.
  • We operate a system of reminders to let you know well in advance what information will be required and when, and to prepare and submit these documents to Companies House in the required format.
  • We run a resource for you to view and approve most documents through our client login.


Please contact us for a free, initial meeting.

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